Pat Buttram


Is Pat Buttram Dead or Still Alive? Pat Buttram Birthday and Date of Death

Pat Buttram

Pat Buttram Death

Pat passed away on January 8, 1994 at the age of 78 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Pat's cause of death was kidney failure.

Pat Buttram death quick facts:
  • When did Pat Buttram die?

    January 8, 1994
  • How did Pat Buttram die? What was the cause of death?

    Kidney failure
  • How old was Pat Buttram when died?

  • Where did Pat Buttram die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, USA

Pat Buttram Birthday and Date of Death

Pat Buttram was born on June 19, 1915 and died on January 8, 1994. Pat was 78 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 19, 1915
Date of Death: January 8, 1994
Age at Death: 78

Is Pat Buttram's father, Wilson McDaniel Buttram, dead or alive?

Wilson McDaniel Buttram's information is not available now.

Is Pat Buttram's mother, Mary Emmett Maxwell Buttram, dead or alive?

Mary Emmett Maxwell Buttram's information is not available now.

Pat Buttram's brother :

  • Augustus McDaniel Buttram

Pat Buttram - Biography

Maxwell Emmett "Pat" Buttram was an American actor, known for playing the sidekick of Gene Autry and for playing the character of Mr. Haney in the television series Green Acres. He had a distinctive voice which, in his own words, "never quite made it through puberty".