Patricia Alice Albrecht


Is Patricia Alice Albrecht Dead or Still Alive? Patricia Alice Albrecht Birthday and Date of Death

Patricia Alice Albrecht

Patricia Alice Albrecht Death

Patricia passed away on December 25, 2019 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

Patricia Alice Albrecht death quick facts:
  • When did Patricia Alice Albrecht die?

    December 25, 2019
  • How old was Patricia Alice Albrecht when died?

  • Where did Patricia Alice Albrecht die? What was the location of death?

    Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Patricia Alice Albrecht Birthday and Date of Death

Patricia Alice Albrecht died on December 25, 2019.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: December 25, 2019
Age at Death: -

Patricia Alice Albrecht - Biography

Patricia Alice Albrecht is a voice actress. She is known for Jem (1985), Remington Steele (1982) and Midnight Madness (1980).
Albrecht was born in Detroit, Michigan. She is best known for voicing Phyllis "Pizzazz" Margaret on the animated Jem and The Holograms series but has several other credits to her name, continuing an acting career until 1996. Jem and The Holograms aired from 1985 through 1988.

Albrecht went on to move to Nashville, Tennessee, where she formed a poetry group and encouraged others to reach out if they were seeking a career in writing. "We are more than poets," she wrote in 2017. "We are a family of writers who have found common ground through poetry. We have learned to listen and critique with kindness. We have cultivated sound foundations, urging each other to write and speak her truth."