Patricia Roc


Is Patricia Roc Dead or Still Alive? Patricia Roc Birthday and Date of Death

Patricia Roc

Patricia Roc Death

Patricia passed away on December 30, 2003 at the age of 88 in Locarno, Switzerland. Patricia's cause of death was kidney failure.

Patricia Roc death quick facts:
  • When did Patricia Roc die?

    December 30, 2003
  • How did Patricia Roc die? What was the cause of death?

    Kidney failure
  • How old was Patricia Roc when died?

  • Where did Patricia Roc die? What was the location of death?

    Locarno, Switzerland

Patricia Roc Birthday and Date of Death

Patricia Roc was born on June 7, 1915 and died on December 30, 2003. Patricia was 88 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 7, 1915
Date of Death: December 30, 2003
Age at Death: 88

Is Patricia Roc's father, Andre Riese, dead or alive?

Andre Riese's information is not available now.

Patricia Roc - Biography

One of Britain's biggest female stars of the post-war years, she appeared at various positions (3rd being the highest) in the British and Motion Picture Herald popularity polls, between 1945-50. She was pretty, vivacious and charming, which was all most of her early roles called for. She appeared in a number of the hugely popular wartime Gainsborough costume dramas, including Madonna of the Seven Moons (1945) and The Wicked Lady (1945). She also made one film in Hollywood, the Technicolor Canyon Passage (1946). Her best acting opportunities were in The Brothers (1947), as a sexy orphan wreaking havoc on a remote Scottish Island, and When the Bough Breaks (1947), a stark unwed mother drama.She moved to Paris upon her second marriage in 1949 and began to work increasingly in European cinema, filming in France and Italy (and a French-Canadian feature in Quebec). She returned to England in the late fifties, making three more films (her last) and a few TV appearances before retiring in 1963. She lived in Locarno, Switzerland for many years and died there in December 2003.