Pedro Morales


Is Pedro Morales Dead or Still Alive? Pedro Morales Birthday and Date of Death

Pedro Morales

Pedro Morales Death

Pedro passed away on February 12, 2019 at the age of 76 in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, USA. Pedro's cause of death was Parkinson's disease.

Pedro Morales death quick facts:
  • When did Pedro Morales die?

    February 12, 2019
  • How did Pedro Morales die? What was the cause of death?

    Parkinson's disease
  • How old was Pedro Morales when died?

  • Where did Pedro Morales die? What was the location of death?

    Perth Amboy, New Jersey, USA

Pedro Morales Birthday and Date of Death

Pedro Morales was born on October 22, 1942 and died on February 12, 2019. Pedro was 76 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 22, 1942
Date of Death: February 12, 2019
Age at Death: 76

Pedro Morales - Biography

Pedro Morales (born October 22, 1942) is a retired Puerto Rican professional wrestler. He began his wrestling career as a teenager in 1959 and won his first important championship, the WWA World Heavyweight Championship, while wrestling for the World Wrestling Association. After joining the World Wide Wrestling Federation, now known as WWE, Morales became the first man in wrestling history to win all three major men's titles in the company, the WWWF Championship, the Intercontinental Championship and the WWF World Tag Team Championship.
By also holding the WWWF United States Championship he also became the first performer to hold four separate titles within the promotion, a distictition that later became known as a Grand Slam Championship, despite not being listed as such by WWE. Morales proved to be a popular champion, to the point that he remains the only wrestler to be among the five longest reigning champions in the history of both of the two major titles, holding the WWWF (WWE) Championship for 1,027 days (5th All-Time) and the Intercontinental Championship for 619 days (1st All-Time).

Morales married his wife Karen in 1966, continuing this relationship throughout his wrestling career and afterwards. The couple has a son, Pedro Morales, Jr. born in 1974. Due to the nature of his work, Morales had lived in over a dozen cities throughout his career, including some time in Japan. However, when his son was about to start kindergarten, the family bought a house in Central New Jersey. His wife, a teacher herself, began working at Avenel Street Elementary School. After his last job in pro wrestling as a Spanish narrator in WCW, Morales retired from the sport and permanently settled in Woodbridge Township, New Jersey where he adopted gardening as a hobby, cultivating tomatoes in his personal garden.
Due to working during a time where the ring featured no methods of protection, Morales suffered several injuries that continued to linger after his career was over, limiting the amount of physical exercise that he was capable of doing. However, he remained a frequent visitor to The Club, a gym located in Woodbridge. Despite being a resident of this area, he continued to travel frequently to Puerto Rico, visiting the archipelago multiple times per year. In 2003, he expressed interest in returning to live permanently in a coastal town near the Caribbean Sea once his wife retired. However, this did not materialize. An advanced case of Parkinson's disease prevented him from traveling to Puerto Rico during his final years.