Per Axel Arosenius Death
Per-Axel passed away on March 21, 1981 at the age of 60.
Per Axel Arosenius death quick facts:
When did Per Axel Arosenius die?
March 21, 1981How old was Per Axel Arosenius when died?
Per Axel Arosenius Birthday and Date of Death
Per Axel Arosenius was born on November 7, 1920 and died on March 21, 1981. Per-Axel was 60 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: November 7, 1920
Date of Death: March 21, 1981
Age at Death: 60
Per Axel Arosenius - Biography
Per-Axel Daniel Rank Arosenius (7 November 1920 – 21 March 1981) was a Swedish film and television actor of mostly supporting parts. His most prominent film role was that of Soviet defector Boris Kusenov in the thriller film Topaz (1969), directed by Alfred Hitchcock.