Pete Farndon


Is Pete Farndon Dead or Still Alive? Pete Farndon Birthday and Date of Death

Pete Farndon

Pete Farndon Death

Pete passed away on April 14, 1983 at the age of 30.

Pete Farndon death quick facts:
  • When did Pete Farndon die?

    April 14, 1983
  • How old was Pete Farndon when died?


Pete Farndon Birthday and Date of Death

Pete Farndon was born on June 12, 1952 and died on April 14, 1983. Pete was 30 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 12, 1952
Date of Death: April 14, 1983
Age at Death: 30

Pete Farndon - Biography

Peter Granville "Pete" Farndon (12 June 1952 – 14 April 1983) was an English bassist and founding member of the rock band the Pretenders. Farndon attended Hereford Cathedral School in his home city of Hereford, before embarking on his musical career with the Pretenders. In addition to playing bass with the group, Farndon sang backup vocals and co-wrote two of the group's songs ("The Wait" and "Space Invader"), before an increasing drug problem resulted in his being dismissed from the group on 14 June 1982.