Pierre Barret


Is Pierre Barret Dead or Still Alive? Pierre Barret Birthday and Date of Death

Pierre Barret

Pierre Barret Death

Pierre passed away in 1988 at the age of 51.

Pierre Barret death quick facts:
  • When did Pierre Barret die?

  • How old was Pierre Barret when died?


Pierre Barret Birthday and Date of Death

Pierre Barret was born on July 15, 1936 and died in 1988. Pierre was 51 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 15, 1936
Date of Death: 1988
Age at Death: 51

Pierre Barret - Biography

Pierre Barret (born 15 July 1936 , died 1988) was a journalist, writer, historian and author of French songs.He was a former pupil of the school HEC, in which a school room and a foundation named after him. He was general manager of the newspaper L'Express, then CEO of the radio station Europe 1.He is also the author of several historical songs sung by Michel Sardou: The Year mil, Roads of Rome, a day of freedom.At his death, he was the companion of Mireille Darc.Fascinated by the story, he especially co-written with Jean-Noël Gurgand several books on the Crusades.