Plan B


Is Plan B Dead or Still Alive? Plan B Birthday and Age

Plan B

How Old Is Plan B? Plan B Birthday

Plan B was born on October 22, 1983 and is 41 years old now.

Birthday: October 22, 1983
How Old - Age: 41

Plan B Death Fact Check

Ben is alive and kicking and is currently 41 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Plan B - Biography

Benjamin Paul Ballance-Drew (born 22 October 1983), primarily known as Plan B or Ben Drew, is an English rapper, singer-songwriter, actor and film director from Forest Gate, London. Plan B first emerged as a hip hop artist, releasing his critically acclaimed debut album Who Needs Actions When You Got Words in 2006. His second studio album, The Defamation of Strickland Banks (2010), was a soul record and went straight to number one on the UK Albums Chart. He has also collaborated with other artists such as Chase & Status, most notably on the top ten single "End Credits" (2009).