Princess Helena of the United Kingdom Death
Helena passed away on June 9, 1923 at the age of 77 in Schomberg House, London.
Princess Helena of the United Kingdom death quick facts:
When did Princess Helena of the United Kingdom die?
June 9, 1923How old was Princess Helena of the United Kingdom when died?
77Where did Princess Helena of the United Kingdom die? What was the location of death?
Schomberg House, London
Princess Helena of the United Kingdom Birthday and Date of Death
Princess Helena of the United Kingdom was born on May 25, 1846 and died on June 9, 1923. Helena was 77 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: May 25, 1846
Date of Death: June 9, 1923
Age at Death: 77
Is Princess Helena of the United Kingdom's father, Albert, dead or alive?
Albert's information is not available now.
Is Princess Helena of the United Kingdom's mother, Queen Victoria, dead or alive?
Princess Helena of the United Kingdom's mother, Queen Victoria, died on January 22, 1901 as she was 81 years old.
Princess Helena of the United Kingdom - Biography
Princess Helena was the third daughter and fifth child of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.