Quintin Sondergaard


Is Quintin Sondergaard Dead or Still Alive? Quintin Sondergaard Birthday and Date of Death

Quintin Sondergaard

Quintin Sondergaard Death

Quintin passed away on February 15, 1984 at the age of 59 in Riverside County, California, USA.

Quintin Sondergaard death quick facts:
  • When did Quintin Sondergaard die?

    February 15, 1984
  • How old was Quintin Sondergaard when died?

  • Where did Quintin Sondergaard die? What was the location of death?

    Riverside County, California, USA

Quintin Sondergaard Birthday and Date of Death

Quintin Sondergaard was born on January 11, 1925 and died on February 15, 1984. Quintin was 59 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 11, 1925
Date of Death: February 15, 1984
Age at Death: 59

Quintin Sondergaard - Biography

Quentin Charles Sondergaard, known primarily as Quintin Sondergaard (January 11, 1925 – February 15, 1984), was an American actor principally active on television westerns from 1957-70. He had a supporting role with eleven appearances as "Deputy Quint" on the series Tombstone Territory, with co-stars Pat Conway, Richard Eastham, and Gilman Rankin. Tombstone Territory began in 1957 on ABC and then switched to syndication in 1959.