Robert Russell


Is Robert Russell Dead or Still Alive? Robert Russell Birthday and Date of Death

Robert Russell

Robert Russell Death

Robert passed away on May 12, 2008 at the age of 71.

Robert Russell death quick facts:
  • When did Robert Russell die?

    May 12, 2008
  • How old was Robert Russell when died?


Robert Russell Birthday and Date of Death

Robert Russell was born on May 24, 1936 and died on May 12, 2008. Robert was 71 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 24, 1936
Date of Death: May 12, 2008
Age at Death: 71

Robert Russell - Biography

Robert Russell (24 May 1936 – 12 May 2008) was an English actor known for a memorable supporting role as John Stearne alongside Vincent Price in the classic British horror film Witchfinder General (1968).