Rod Kanehl


Is Rod Kanehl Dead or Still Alive? Rod Kanehl Birthday and Date of Death

Rod Kanehl

Rod Kanehl Death

Roderick passed away on December 14, 2004 at the age of 70 in Palm Springs, CA.

Rod Kanehl death quick facts:
  • When did Rod Kanehl die?

    December 14, 2004
  • How old was Rod Kanehl when died?

  • Where did Rod Kanehl die? What was the location of death?

    Palm Springs, CA

Rod Kanehl Birthday and Date of Death

Rod Kanehl was born on April 1, 1934 and died on December 14, 2004. Roderick was 70 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 1, 1934
Date of Death: December 14, 2004
Age at Death: 70

Rod Kanehl - Biography

Roderick Edwin Kanehl (April 1, 1934 – December 14, 2004) was an American second baseman and outfielder in Major League Baseball who played his entire career with the New York Mets (1962–1964). Beloved by Mets fans, his attitude was exemplary for a team that lost a modern-era record 120 games in its inaugural season. Kanehl hit the first grand slam in Mets history on July 6, 1962 at the Polo Grounds.