Rodger Bingham


Is Rodger Bingham Dead or Still Alive? Rodger Bingham Birthday and Age

Rodger Bingham

How Old Is Rodger Bingham? Rodger Bingham Birthday

Rodger Bingham was born on July 5, 1947 and is 77 years old now.

Birthday: July 5, 1947
How Old - Age: 77

Rodger Bingham Death Fact Check

Rodger is alive and kicking and is currently 77 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Rodger Bingham - Biography

Rodger was born and raised in Crittenden, Kentucky. He and his wife, Patricia, have one daughter, Angela. Rodger worked as a school teacher, teaching at least one carpentry class, and as a farmer prior to his time on Survivor: The Australian Outback. He now works for the Department of Agriculture. Rodger also speaks in schools about the importance of remaining healthy, especially in not using tobacco, and his Survivor experience.Rodger told Louisville Life that though his time on Survivor 'was the adventure of a lifetime”, his grandchildren (Parker (born c. 2002) and Macy Fran (born May 2005)) are the highlight of his life.