Roman Rudenko


Is Roman Rudenko Dead or Still Alive? Roman Rudenko Birthday and Date of Death

Roman Rudenko

Roman Rudenko Death

Roman passed away on January 23, 1981 at the age of 73.

Roman Rudenko death quick facts:
  • When did Roman Rudenko die?

    January 23, 1981
  • How old was Roman Rudenko when died?


Roman Rudenko Birthday and Date of Death

Roman Rudenko was born on July 30, 1907 and died on January 23, 1981. Roman was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 30, 1907
Date of Death: January 23, 1981
Age at Death: 73

Roman Rudenko - Biography

Roman Andriyovych Rudenko (Ukrainian: Роман Андрійович Руденко, Russian: Рома́н Андре́евич Руде́нко, July 30, 1907, Nosovka, Chernigov Governorate, Russian Empire, now Nosivka, Chernihiv Oblast, Ukraine - January 23, 1981, Moscow, USSR) was a Ukrainian Soviet lawyer. He was the prosecutor of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic from 1944-1953 and Chief prosecutor of the entire Soviet Union from 1953. He is also well known for acting as the Soviet Chief Prosecutor at the main trial of the major Nazi war criminals at the Nuremberg Trials and Chief Prosecutor at the Trial of the Sixteen. He held military rank as a Lt.General at the time he served at Nuremberg.