Ron Ormond Death
Ron passed away on May 11, 1981 at the age of 70.
Ron Ormond death quick facts:
When did Ron Ormond die?
May 11, 1981How old was Ron Ormond when died?
Ron Ormond Birthday and Date of Death
Ron Ormond was born on August 29, 1910 and died on May 11, 1981. Ron was 70 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: August 29, 1910
Date of Death: May 11, 1981
Age at Death: 70
Ron Ormond - Biography
Ron Ormond (August 29, 1910 – May 11, 1981) was an American author, showman, screenwriter, film producer, and film director of Western, musical, and exploitation films. Following his survival of a 1968 plane crash, Ormond began making Christian films.