Salvador Puig Antich


Is Salvador Puig Antich Dead or Still Alive? Salvador Puig Antich Birthday and Date of Death

Salvador Puig Antich

Salvador Puig Antich Death

Salvador passed away on March 2, 1974 at the age of 25 in La Model prison, Barcelona. Salvador's cause of death was executed by the francoist regime.

Salvador Puig Antich death quick facts:
  • When did Salvador Puig Antich die?

    March 2, 1974
  • How did Salvador Puig Antich die? What was the cause of death?

    Executed by the francoist regime
  • How old was Salvador Puig Antich when died?

  • Where did Salvador Puig Antich die? What was the location of death?

    La Model prison, Barcelona

Salvador Puig Antich Birthday and Date of Death

Salvador Puig Antich was born on May 30, 1948 and died on March 2, 1974. Salvador was 25 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 30, 1948
Date of Death: March 2, 1974
Age at Death: 25

Salvador Puig Antich - Biography

Salvador Puig Antich (May 30, 1948 – March 2, 1974) was an anarchist, born in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain and active during the 1960s. A member of the Iberian Liberation Movement (Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación) (MIL), he was executed by the Francoist regime after being tried by a military tribunal and found guilty of the death of a Guardia Civil (Spanish gendarme). His execution was very unpopular; the Catalan painter Antoni Tàpies made a series of lithographs called "Assassins" and displayed them in the Galerie Maeght in Paris, in honour of Puig Antich's memory. The Groupes d'action révolutionnaire internationalistes (GARI) were formed after his death.