Sanford Sylvan


Is Sanford Sylvan Dead or Still Alive? Sanford Sylvan Birthday and Date of Death

Sanford Sylvan

Sanford Sylvan Death

Sanford passed away on January 30, 2019 at the age of 66.

Sanford Sylvan death quick facts:
  • When did Sanford Sylvan die?

    January 30, 2019
  • How old was Sanford Sylvan when died?


Sanford Sylvan Birthday and Date of Death

Sanford Sylvan was born in 1953 and died on January 30, 2019. Sanford was 66 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1953
Date of Death: January 30, 2019
Age at Death: 66

Sanford Sylvan - Biography

Sanford Sylvan is an actor, known for The Death of Klinghoffer (2003) and Great Performances (1971). Sanford Sylvan is an American baritone. A graduate of the Manhattan School of Music, he made his Glyndebourne Festival debut in 1994 as Leporello in Don Giovanni by Mozart.
He has performed with many leading conductors, opera companies and orchestras including Houston Grand Opera, San Francisco Opera, New York City Opera, the New York Philharmonic, Boston Symphony, Cleveland Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, San Francisco Symphony, London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Concertgebouworkest, Melbourne Symphony and the NHK Symphony. He has performed at the Edinburgh, Marlboro, Tanglewood, Vienna, Holland, Oregon Bach and Carmel Bach festivals. He played Chou En-Lai in Nixon in China by John Adams.

A frequent collaborator with the director Peter Sellars, he appeared in Sellars' re-imaginings of Mozart's Cosi fan tutte and Le nozze di Figaro, aforementioned operas of John Adams and, in 2009, Adams's A Flowering Tree presented at Lincoln Center's Mostly Mozart Festival. Along with his performing schedule, he is also a professor of voice at The Juilliard School and McGill University Schulich School of Music in Montréal, Canada and the Bard Conservatory Graduate Vocal Arts Program. He was also a member of the vocal company at The College Light Opera Company.