Sarah Garner Jacobson


Is Sarah Garner Jacobson Dead or Still Alive? Sarah Garner Jacobson Birthday and Date of Death

Sarah Garner Jacobson

Sarah Garner Jacobson Death

Sarah passed away on February 13, 2004 at the age of 32 in New York , New York , USA.

Sarah Garner Jacobson death quick facts:
  • When did Sarah Garner Jacobson die?

    February 13, 2004
  • How old was Sarah Garner Jacobson when died?

  • Where did Sarah Garner Jacobson die? What was the location of death?

    New York , New York , USA

Sarah Garner Jacobson Birthday and Date of Death

Sarah Garner Jacobson was born on August 25, 1971 and died on February 13, 2004. Sarah was 32 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 25, 1971
Date of Death: February 13, 2004
Age at Death: 32

Sarah Garner Jacobson - Biography

Sarah Garner Jacobson ( Engl. By Sarah Garner Jacobson ; on August 25 1971 , Norwalk , Connecticut , USA - February 13 2004 , New York , New York , USA ) She died of uterine cancer at 32 years of ageBirth name: Sarah Garner JacobsonDate of Birth: On August 25 1971Place of Birth: Norwalk , Connecticut , USADate of death: February 13 2004 (32 years)A place of death: New York , New York , USACitizenship: Flag of the United States.svg USAProfession: кинорежиссёр , кинооператор , монтажёр , сценарист , кинопродюсерCareer: 1993-2004the IMDb : ID 0414912