How Old Is Savio Hon Tai Fai? Savio Hon Tai Fai Birthday
Savio Hon Tai Fai was born on October 21, 1950 and is 74 years old now.
Birthday: October 21, 1950
How Old - Age: 74
Savio Hon Tai Fai Death Fact Check
Savio is alive and kicking and is currently 74 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Savio Hon Tai Fai - Biography
Savio Tai Fai Hon SDB (traditional Chinese: 韓大輝; simplified Chinese: 韩大辉; pinyin: Hán Dàhuī; born 21 October 1950) is a Roman Catholic archbishop and the current secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples since his appointment by Pope Benedict XVI on 23 December 2010. He had previously served as professor of Theology at the Holy Spirit Seminary of Hong Kong.