Sonny Forelli


Is Sonny Forelli Dead or Still Alive? Sonny Forelli Birthday and Date of Death

Sonny Forelli

Sonny Forelli Death

Sonny passed away in 1986 at the age of 40.

Sonny Forelli death quick facts:
  • When did Sonny Forelli die?

  • How old was Sonny Forelli when died?


Sonny Forelli Birthday and Date of Death

Sonny Forelli was born in 1946 and died in 1986. Sonny was 40 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1946
Date of Death: 1986
Age at Death: 40

Sonny Forelli's brothers :

Sonny has 3 brothers:
  • Franco Forelli
  • Mike Forelli
  • Marco Forelli

Sonny Forelli - Biography

Birth-1986Sonny was born into the Liberty City-based Forelli crime family, an Italian-American mob; Sonny joined the family's ranks, eventually rising to power in a young age. Under Sonny's reign, the Forellis became the most powerful crime organization in Liberty City, with Sonny having a major influence in the business of racketeering, gambling, union trouble, corruption and prostitution in the area.Prior to the 1970s, Sonny became a friend and the boss of fellow mobster Tommy Vercetti, employing Tommy as his hitman. However, likely due to Tommy's rising reputation and power in Liberty City's underworld, the Forelli Don became disdainful and jealous towards the latter, opting to remove Tommy from the way.In 1971, Sonny sent Tommy to Harwood to assassinate a key mobster; however, when Tommy arrived, he found himself surrounded by eleven hitmen. Despite being outnumbered, Tommy managed to kill the hitmen, but was arrested and convicted of eleven counts of murder. Unbeknownst to Tommy, the eleven man ambush was ordered by Sonny himself. Due to Sonny and the Forelli family's connections, the Forelli hitman was spared death penalty or life imprisonment1986By 1986, the Forellis are still the most powerful organization in Liberty City, with Sonny wishing to enter the family into the drug dealing business. Due to Tommy being released from prison the same year, Sonny decides to send him to Vice City, wishing to have Tommy establish a drug trading business in the city while also keeping him far away from Liberty City, believing Tommy's presence in LC will be bad for the Forellis' business.Sonny has Ken Rosenberg, a Vice City-based lawyer who works for the Forellis, set a cocaine deal with Lance and Victor Vance, with the deal is also being organized by Rosenberg's associate, Juan Cortez. With the deal set in Viceport next to a compound, Tommy is sent accompanied by Rosenberg and fellow Forelli men Harry and Lee. The deal, however, goes wrong when a group of hitmen kills Harry, Lee and one of the dealers, forcing Tommy and Ken to abandon the cocaine and Sonny's money.Shortly afterwards, Tommy contacts Sonny from the Ocean View Hotel, revealing of the ambush on the deal. Furious over Tommy's failure, Sonny agrees to let Tommy investigate and punish the men responsible for the ambush, although the Forelli Don also warns Tommy of not making a fool of himself.While Tommy continues searching for suspects related to the drug deal, Sonny remains with contact with him, supervisioning Tommy's actions. Throughout Tommy's time in Vice City, Sonny contacts him three times. In his first call, after Tommy has intimidated juries who were on Sonny's cousin Giorgio's case, Sonny merely reminds Tommy to find the stolen money, while also warning him about being a potentially unreliable person.Tommy eventually finds out that drug baron Ricardo Diaz was the man who ordered the hit on the drug deal, and kills him, slowly becoming the new crimelord in Vice City. After hearing about Tommy's latest actions while the latter didn't inform him of finding out and killing the man responsible, Sonny calls him again, warning to not forget about the Forellis.Irritated at Tommy for ignoring the Forellis, not giving them a cut from his businesses, and not even repaying his debt, Sonny calls Tommy again, furiously questioning him over his actions and lack of contact with the family. Sonny also threatens to have Ken's family killed.Tired of waiting Tommy to pay him from his cuts, Sonny sends his men over to Vice City to collect taxes from various assets and businesses owned by Tommy, beginning with the Print Works managed by Tommy's associate Earnest Kelly. However, Tommy learns of the Forellis' actions shortly afterwards, and eliminates Sonny's men, finally openly revealing his unwilling to pay the Forellis, while also proclaiming that Vice City is his, not Sonny's.Around this time, Tommy's associate Lance Vance, who has become very disillusioned with Tommy due to receiving little to no credit from him, is contacted by Sonny, who manages to have Lance turn his back on Tommy.Expecting Sonny's arrival in Vice City, Tommy prints fake cash which he aims to give to Sonny. Upon Sonny's arrival at the Vercetti Estate and after a somewhat hostile exchange of words between Tommy and Sonny over their ruined friendship and business, Lance reveals his alliance with Sonny, and the location of Tommy's real money, in the latter's office.A massive gunfight begins between Sonny's men and Tommy, although Sonny chooses to stay out of it initially. After killing Lance on the estate's rooftops, Tommy confronts Sonny at his mansion's entrance. With Sonny's involvement in the Harwood incident fifteen years ago are finally confirmed, Tommy engages in a final shootout with the Forelli Don and his men, concluding in Sonny's death.After DeathSonny's demise marks the beginning of the Forelli crime family's downfall. His death is noted by Leone crime family Don and fellow mobster Salvatore Leone to have dealt a severe blow to the Forellis, enough to let the Sindacco crime family gain power in Liberty City by the 1990's. By 1998, a film titled "Sonny Forelli: A True Story" is advertised in Liberty City.