Stanisława Nowicka


Is Stanisława Nowicka Dead or Still Alive? Stanisława Nowicka Birthday and Date of Death

Stanisława Nowicka

Stanisława Nowicka Death

Stanisława passed away on October 24, 1990 at the age of 85 in Yorktown, New York, USA.

Stanisława Nowicka death quick facts:
  • When did Stanisława Nowicka die?

    October 24, 1990
  • How old was Stanisława Nowicka when died?

  • Where did Stanisława Nowicka die? What was the location of death?

    Yorktown, New York, USA

Stanisława Nowicka Birthday and Date of Death

Stanisława Nowicka was born on March 8, 1905 and died on October 24, 1990. Stanisława was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 8, 1905
Date of Death: October 24, 1990
Age at Death: 85

Stanisława Nowicka - Biography

Stanisława Nowicka (1905–1990) was a Polish dancer and singer born in Warsaw. She gave Jerzy Petersburski's famous Tango Milonga (known in Europe as Oh Donna Clara) its debut in the Morskie Oko cabaret, 1929. "[The] low and sensuous timbre of her voice made Nowicka not only the master interpreter of tangos, but also of Russian romances and the French chanson." She was famous for her Apache songs (she danced the Apache tango with Tadeusz Olsza) and covered much of Marlene Dietrich's repertoire