Stefán Karl Stefánsson Death
Stefan passed away on 21 August 2018 at the age of 43 in Los Angeles, California, United States. Stefan's cause of death was bile duct cancer.
When did Stefán Karl Stefánsson die?
21 August 2018How did Stefán Karl Stefánsson die? What was the cause of death?
Bile duct cancerHow old was Stefán Karl Stefánsson when died?
43Where did Stefán Karl Stefánsson die? What was the location of death?
Los Angeles, California, United States
Stefán Karl Stefánsson Birthday and Date of Death
Stefán Karl Stefánsson was born on July 10, 1975 and died on 21 August 2018. Stefan was 43 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: July 10, 1975
Date of Death: 21 August 2018
Age at Death: 43
Stefán Karl Stefánsson - Biography
Stefán Karl Stefánsson was an Icelandic film and stage actor who is best known for playing the character Robbie Rotten on the television show LazyTown. After studying at the Iceland Academy of the Arts, he was invited to join the National Theatre of Iceland. At the National Theater, Stefán played roles ranging from Cyrano de Bergerac, to song-and-dance-man Cosmo Brown in Singin’ In The Rain, and Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. At the National Theater, Stefán originated the role of Robbie Rotten in the live version of LazyTown, and continued in the role when the show was adapted to TV.
Stefán Karl announced in October 2016 that he had been diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma; a GoFundMe campaign was subsequently created by LazyTown head writer Mark Valenti to pay his living costs when he fell too ill to work. The campaign was popularized by various YouTube users uploading parodies of Stefán Karl's work, which led to the songs "We Are Number One" and "The Mine Song" from LazyTown becoming an Internet meme. In August 2017, Stefán Karl stated he was in remission. He clarified on his GoFundMe campaign that while his metastases had been removed after successful liver surgery in June 2017, he still had the disease and had refused further adjuvant therapy.
In March 2018, Stefán Karl was diagnosed with inoperable cholangiocarcinoma, and said that he was undergoing chemotherapy to prolong his life. In April 2018, he announced that he personally chose to discontinue chemotherapy, and proceeded to shut down all his social media accounts. He died on 21 August 2018 at the age of 43.
It was announced by his manager Cheryl Edison, that The Stefan Karl Academy & Center for the Preforming Arts would be launched in Switzerland in 2019 as a memorial to his career.