Stephanie de Zorzi


Is Stephanie de Zorzi Dead or Still Alive? Stephanie de Zorzi Birthday and Age

Stephanie de Zorzi

How Old Is Stephanie de Zorzi? Stephanie de Zorzi Birthday

Stephanie de Zorzi was born on July 20, 1993 and is 31 years old now.

Birthday: July 20, 1993
How Old - Age: 31

Stephanie de Zorzi Death Fact Check

Stephanie is alive and kicking and is currently 31 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Stephanie de Zorzi's father, Carlos Zorzi, dead or alive?

Carlos Zorzi's information is not available now.

Is Stephanie de Zorzi's mother, Mazel Landaeta, dead or alive?

Mazel Landaeta's information is not available now.

Stephanie de Zorzi's sisters :

Stephanie has 2 sisters:
  • Stephanie de Zorzi's sister, Catherine, is still alive and kicking.

  • Venezia

Stephanie de Zorzi's brother :

  • Jesus

Stephanie de Zorzi - Biography

Stephanie Ysabel de Zorzi Landaeta is a Venezuelan model and beauty pageant titleholder. She represented Aragua state at Miss Venezuela 2013 pageant where she won the crown of Miss Venezuela Tierra 2013. On November 3, 2014 she was dethroned as Miss Earth Venezuela 2013 by the Miss Venezuela Organization.