Susie Sharp


Is Susie Sharp Dead or Still Alive? Susie Sharp Birthday and Date of Death

Susie Sharp

Susie Sharp Death

Susie passed away on March 1, 1996 at the age of 88.

Susie Sharp death quick facts:
  • When did Susie Sharp die?

    March 1, 1996
  • How old was Susie Sharp when died?


Susie Sharp Birthday and Date of Death

Susie Sharp was born on July 7, 1907 and died on March 1, 1996. Susie was 88 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 7, 1907
Date of Death: March 1, 1996
Age at Death: 88

Susie Sharp - Biography

Susie Marshall Sharp (July 7, 1907 – March 1, 1996) was an American jurist who served as the first female Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court. She was not the first woman to head the highest court in a U.S. state, but is believed to be the first woman elected to such a post in a state, like North Carolina, in which the position is elected by the people separately from that of Associate Justice. In 1965, Lorna E. Lockwood became the first female chief justice of a state supreme court, but in Arizona, the Supreme Court justices elect their chief justice.