Terry Stafford


Is Terry Stafford Dead or Still Alive? Terry Stafford Birthday and Date of Death

Terry Stafford

Terry Stafford Death

Terry passed away on March 17, 1996 at the age of 54 in Amarillo, Texas, USA. Terry's cause of death was liver failure.

Terry Stafford death quick facts:
  • When did Terry Stafford die?

    March 17, 1996
  • How did Terry Stafford die? What was the cause of death?

    Liver failure
  • How old was Terry Stafford when died?

  • Where did Terry Stafford die? What was the location of death?

    Amarillo, Texas, USA

Terry Stafford Birthday and Date of Death

Terry Stafford was born on November 22, 1941 and died on March 17, 1996. Terry was 54 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 22, 1941
Date of Death: March 17, 1996
Age at Death: 54

Terry Stafford - Biography

Terry Stafford was a singer-songwriter who was born on November 22, 1941.
The song "Suspicion", which was released on the Crusader record label and had previously been recorded by Elvis Presley, made it to no. 3 in the U.S. and no. 31 in the UK Singles Chart. "Suspicion" had the distinction of being sixth on the Billboard Hot 100 on April 4, 1964, when the Beatles held down the top five spots. The following week, "Suspicion" peaked at no. 3, with the Beatles holding three of the top five spots. Stafford's recording sold over one million copies, and was awarded a gold disc by the RIAA.

His follow-up, "I’ll Touch a Star", rose to number 25 in America. Both recordings were produced by Bob Summers (brother-in-law of Les Paul), who played all the instruments on the tracks as well as engineering and recording them, except for bass which was played by Ron Griffith. Summers released his own version in the 1970s, as well as a remake with Ed Greenwald on vocals in 2008.
Stafford lived most of his life between Los Angeles, California; and Amarillo, Texas; and died in Amarillo of liver failure, at the age of 54. He is interred along with his parents at Llano Cemetery in Amarillo. His mother's obituary lists Nancy Stafford of Orange County, California, presumably Stafford's widow, as a survivor, but neither she nor Stafford's brother-in-law, Ed Snead, are mentioned a decade later in his father's death notice.
Stafford's widow is apparently Nancy E. Stafford (born c. 1944), daughter of Oregon native Isabel Rose Hall White Stiglbauer (1919-2003), with father J. Elbert Hall (1917-1949), brother Gary Warren Hall (1942-1973), and stepfather Lawrence J. Stiglbauer (1913-1994).