Tessa Ia


Is Tessa Ia Dead or Still Alive? Tessa Ia Birthday and Age

Tessa Ia

How Old Is Tessa Ia? Tessa Ia Birthday

Tessa Ia was born on April 3, 1995 and is 29 years old now.

Birthday: April 3, 1995
How Old - Age: 29

Tessa Ia Death Fact Check

Tessa is alive and kicking and is currently 29 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Tessa Ia - Biography

Tessa Ia Actress - Born 3 Apr 1995 - Mexican singer and actress whose debut album Correspondencia was released in 2016 and spawned the singles "Acicálame," "Búfalo" and "Ultravioleta." As an actress, she has appeared in critically-acclaimed films like The Burning Plain (2008) and Pink Magnolia (2015).Tessa Ia Norvind González (born 3 from April of 1995 in Mexico City), daughter of Nailea Norvind and Fernando Gonzalez Parra, one is a singer and actress Mexican maternal ancestry Norway. She is also half sister of Camila Sodi, on the part of its father.ActressShe has performed since the age of 9 in various productions, the first being Rebelde ( 2004 ) playing Loli Arango, Miguel's younger sister, a role played by Alfonso Herrera.Later she played the character of María Martínez in the film Fuego , directed by Guillermo Arriaga in 2008, in which she performed with Charlize Theron and Jennifer Lawrence.She is known for his performance in After Lucy, directed by Michel Franco in 2012, which won the Un Certain Regard at the Cannes Film Festival.In addition, it has participated in diverse plays, in which they emphasize Hard Candy and the call; The latter of directors Javier Calvo and Javier Ambrossi.MusicShe began composing at age 13, in addition to writing poetry, which characterizes the lyrics of his songs.Interprets next to Los Ángeles Azules the song Beautiful baby, which is included in the album of said band Of square in place, published in 2016.In that same year he released his first single under the title Buffalo.The 28 of October of 2016 published its first album titled Correspondence, being the first simple of this work the song Acicálame. This album includes ten songs, including Buffalo .