Tex Avery


Is Tex Avery Dead or Still Alive? Tex Avery Birthday and Date of Death

Tex Avery

Tex Avery Death

Tex passed away on August 26, 1980 at the age of 72.

Tex Avery death quick facts:
  • When did Tex Avery die?

    August 26, 1980
  • How old was Tex Avery when died?


Tex Avery Birthday and Date of Death

Tex Avery was born on February 26, 1908 and died on August 26, 1980. Tex was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 26, 1908
Date of Death: August 26, 1980
Age at Death: 72

Tex Avery - Biography

Frederick Bean "Tex" Avery (February 26, 1908 – August 26, 1980) was an American animator, cartoonist, voice actor and director, known for producing animated cartoons during the golden age of American animation. His most significant work was for the Warner Bros. and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios, creating the characters of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Droopy, Screwy Squirrel, and developing Porky Pig, Chilly Willy (this last one for the Walter Lantz Studio) into the personas for which they are remembered.