Theodore Roosevelt


Is Theodore Roosevelt Dead or Still Alive? Theodore Roosevelt Birthday and Date of Death

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt Death

Theodore passed away on January 6, 1919 at the age of 60 in Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York, USA. Theodore's cause of death was coronary embolism.

Theodore Roosevelt death quick facts:
  • When did Theodore Roosevelt die?

    January 6, 1919
  • How did Theodore Roosevelt die? What was the cause of death?

    Coronary embolism
  • How old was Theodore Roosevelt when died?

  • Where did Theodore Roosevelt die? What was the location of death?

    Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York, USA

Theodore Roosevelt Birthday and Date of Death

Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 and died on January 6, 1919. Theodore was 60 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 27, 1858
Date of Death: January 6, 1919
Age at Death: 60

Is Theodore Roosevelt's father, Theodore "Thee" Roosevelt Sr., dead or alive?

Theodore "Thee" Roosevelt Sr.'s information is not available now.

Is Theodore Roosevelt's mother, Martha Stewart "Mittie" Bulloch, dead or alive?

Martha Stewart "Mittie" Bulloch's information is not available now.

Theodore Roosevelt's sisters :

Theodore has 2 sisters:
  • Corinne Roosevelt Robinson
  • Bamie Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt's brother :

  • Elliott Bulloch Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt's pet, dead or alive?

  • Dog - Black Jack

Theodore Roosevelt - Biography

Theodore Roosevelt, often referred to as Teddy or TR, was an American statesman, author, explorer, soldier, naturalist, and reformer who served as the 26th President of the United States, from 1901 to 1909. A leader of the Republican Party, he was a leading force of the Progressive Era.
Born a sickly child with debilitating asthma, Roosevelt embraced a strenuous lifestyle and successfully regained his health. He integrated his exuberant personality, vast range of interests, and world-famous achievements into a "cowboy" persona defined by robust masculinity. Home-schooled, he became a lifelong naturalist before attending Harvard College. His first of many books, The Naval War of 1812, established his reputation as both a learned historian and a popular writer.

He entered politics, becoming the leader of the reform faction of Republicans in New York's state legislature. Following the deaths of his wife and mother, he escaped to the wilderness and operated a cattle ranch in the Dakotas. He returned to run unsuccessfully for Mayor of New York City in 1886. He served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy under William McKinley, resigning after one year to serve with the Rough Riders, gaining national fame for courage during the War in Cuba.
Returning a war hero, he was elected governor of New York in 1898. A frustrated party establishment made him McKinley's running mate in the election of 1900. He campaigned vigorously across the country, helping McKinley win reelection by a landslide on a platform of peace, prosperity, and conservatism.