Tim O'Connor


Is Tim O'Connor Dead or Still Alive? Tim O'Connor Birthday and Age

Tim O'Connor

How Old Is Tim O'Connor? Tim O'Connor Birthday

Tim O'Connor was born on July 3, 1927 and is 97 years old now.

Birthday: July 3, 1927
How Old - Age: 97

Tim O'Connor Death Fact Check

Tim is alive and kicking and is currently 97 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Tim O'Connor - Biography

Tim O'Connor (born July 3, 1927) is an American character actor known for his prolific work in television, although he has made only a few appearances since the early 1990s. Before moving to California, he lived on an island in the middle of Glen Wild Lake, near Bloomingdale, New Jersey. O'Connor specialized in playing officials, military men, and police officers.