Tim Strode


Is Tim Strode Dead or Still Alive? Tim Strode Birthday and Date of Death

Tim Strode

Tim Strode Death

Tim Strode passed away on October 31, 1995 at the age of 18 in Haddonfield,Illinois.

Tim Strode death quick facts:
  • When did Tim Strode die?

    October 31, 1995
  • How old was Tim Strode when died?

  • Where did Tim Strode die? What was the location of death?


Tim Strode Birthday and Date of Death

Tim Strode was born on June 7, 1977 and died on October 31, 1995. Tim Strode was 18 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 7, 1977
Date of Death: October 31, 1995
Age at Death: 18

Is Tim Strode's father, John Strode, dead or alive?

Tim Strode's father, John Strode, died on October 31, 1995 as he was 24 years old.

Is Tim Strode's mother, Debra Strode, dead or alive?

Tim Strode's mother, Debra Strode, died on October 31, 1995 as she was 25 years old.

Tim Strode's sister :

  • Kara Strode (Older Sister)

Tim Strode - Biography

Tim Strode was the son of John Strode and Debra Strode and the younger brother of Kara Strode. He got along well with his young nephew Danny Strode and even got him to dress like him on Halloween. He had an outspoken girl named named Beth. He went to Haddonfield University with his girlfriend and sister. It is assumed that like the rest of his family, Tim didn't get along with his father and often stuck up for Kara and Debra.