Tina Gray


Is Tina Gray Dead or Still Alive? Tina Gray Birthday and Date of Death

Tina Gray

Tina Gray Death

Tina Gray passed away on November 9, 1984 at the age of 15 in Springwood, Ohio.

Tina Gray death quick facts:
  • When did Tina Gray die?

    November 9, 1984
  • How old was Tina Gray when died?

  • Where did Tina Gray die? What was the location of death?

    Springwood, Ohio

Tina Gray Birthday and Date of Death

Tina Gray was born on May 11, 1969 and died on November 9, 1984. Tina Gray was 15 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 11, 1969
Date of Death: November 9, 1984
Age at Death: 15

Tina Gray - Biography

The film opens up with Tina having a nightmare inside of a boiler room. Her attempts to escape seem futile, as her dreamstalker catches up with her before she awakens, finding that Freddy Krueger slashed her nightgown. Grabbing her crucifix, she tries to go back to sleep. The next day, Tina talks to her friend Nancy Thompson and tells her of her nightmare. In an attempt to cheer up Tina and alleviate her fears after her mother goes away with her boyfriend, Nancy and her boyfriend Glen Lantz decide to spend the night at Tina's house, where they are confronted with Rod Lane, Tina's on-again-off-again boyfriend. He reveals indirectly that he had been having the same dreams as Tina and Nancy. After making love to Rod and falling asleep, Tina finds herself trapped in her final nightmare. After her death, Tina is used as something of a distraction and a traumatizing trigger to Nancy Thompson