Tommaso Buscetta


Is Tommaso Buscetta Dead or Still Alive? Tommaso Buscetta Birthday and Date of Death

Tommaso Buscetta

Tommaso Buscetta Death

Tommaso passed away on April 2, 2000 at the age of 71 in New York, U.S.A.. Tommaso's cause of death was natural causes.

Tommaso Buscetta death quick facts:
  • When did Tommaso Buscetta die?

    April 2, 2000
  • How did Tommaso Buscetta die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Tommaso Buscetta when died?

  • Where did Tommaso Buscetta die? What was the location of death?

    New York, U.S.A.

Tommaso Buscetta Birthday and Date of Death

Tommaso Buscetta was born on July 13, 1928 and died on April 2, 2000. Tommaso was 71 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 13, 1928
Date of Death: April 2, 2000
Age at Death: 71

Tommaso Buscetta - Biography

Tommaso Buscetta (13 July 1928 – 2 April 2000) was a Sicilian mafioso. He was the first Mafia boss to turn informant, and explain the inner workings of the organisation. When interviewed by Giovanni Falcone, an investigating magistrate who told informants they would face serious consequences for any false testimony, Buscetta did not mention the allegations against Giulio Andreotti that he later made and then retracted.