Tommy Abbott


Is Tommy Abbott Dead or Still Alive? Tommy Abbott Birthday and Date of Death

Tommy Abbott

Tommy Abbott Death

Tommy passed away on April 8, 1987 at the age of 52 in New York, New York.

Tommy Abbott death quick facts:
  • When did Tommy Abbott die?

    April 8, 1987
  • How old was Tommy Abbott when died?

  • Where did Tommy Abbott die? What was the location of death?

    New York, New York

Tommy Abbott Birthday and Date of Death

Tommy Abbott was born on November 4, 1934 and died on April 8, 1987. Tommy was 52 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 4, 1934
Date of Death: April 8, 1987
Age at Death: 52

Tommy Abbott - Biography

Tommy Abbott (November 4, 1934 – April 8, 1987) was an American-born actor, dancer, and choreographer best known for his role as Gee-Tar in the original production of West Side Story.
Tommy with David Winters, Jay Norman, Carole D'Andrea, William Bramley, and Tony Mordente are the only actors in West Side Story, to have been cast in both the Original Broadway Show and the Motion Picture.

Abbott was for many years the assistant choreographer to Jerome Robbins. He was the chief choreographer for the film version of "Fiddler on the Roof."
Fiddler on the Roof is a musical with music by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and book by Joseph Stein, set in the Pale of Settlement of Imperial Russia in 1905. It is based on Tevye and his Daughters (or Tevye the Dairyman) and other tales by Sholem Aleichem.