Van McCoy


Is Van McCoy Dead or Still Alive? Van McCoy Birthday and Date of Death

Van McCoy

Van McCoy Death

Van passed away on July 6, 1979 at the age of 39.

Van McCoy death quick facts:
  • When did Van McCoy die?

    July 6, 1979
  • How old was Van McCoy when died?


Van McCoy Birthday and Date of Death

Van McCoy was born on January 6, 1940 and died on July 6, 1979. Van was 39 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 6, 1940
Date of Death: July 6, 1979
Age at Death: 39

Van McCoy - Biography

Van Allen Clinton McCoy (January 6, 1940 – July 6, 1979) professionally known as Van McCoy. was an accomplished musician, record producer, arranger, songwriter, singer and orchestra conductor. He is known best for his 1975 internationally successful song "The Hustle". He has approximately 700 song copyrights to his credit, and is also noted for producing songs for such recording artists as Gladys Knight & the Pips, The Stylistics, Aretha Franklin, Brenda & the Tabulations, David Ruffin, Peaches & Herb and Stacy Lattisaw.