Van Smith Death
Van passed away on December 5, 2006 at the age of 61.
Van Smith death quick facts:
When did Van Smith die?
December 5, 2006How old was Van Smith when died?
Van Smith Birthday and Date of Death
Van Smith was born on August 17, 1945 and died on December 5, 2006. Van was 61 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: August 17, 1945
Date of Death: December 5, 2006
Age at Death: 61
Van Smith - Biography
Walter Avant "Van" Smith, Jr. (August 17, 1945 - December 5, 2006) was an American costume designer and make-up artist. He worked primarily in the films of John Waters, designing the costumes and make-up for every John Waters film from 1972 to 2004. Because of his work with Waters, he is considered one of the Dreamlanders, Waters' ensemble of regular cast and crew members.