Vicky Morales


Is Vicky Morales Dead or Still Alive? Vicky Morales Birthday and Age

Vicky Morales

How Old Is Vicky Morales? Vicky Morales Birthday

Vicky Morales was born on July 13, 1969 and is 55 years old now.

Birthday: July 13, 1969
How Old - Age: 55

Vicky Morales Death Fact Check

Vicky is alive and kicking and is currently 55 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Vicky Morales - Biography

Victoria "Vicky" Morales-Reyno (born July 13, 1969) is a popular television newscaster in the Philippines. She currently co-anchors GMA Network's night newscast 24 Oras with Mike Enriquez and Mel Tiangco and hosts the Saturday afternoon documentary-drama show Wish Ko Lang. The 1999-2004 edition of Saksi featured her former partner, Imbestigador host Mike Enriquez, who was the co-anchor with Vicky in the 1998-1999 Filipino language edition of GMA Network News.