Vivian Bullwinkel Statham


Is Vivian Bullwinkel Statham Dead or Still Alive? Vivian Bullwinkel Statham Birthday and Date of Death

Vivian Bullwinkel Statham

Vivian Bullwinkel Statham Death

Vivian passed away on July 3, 2000 at the age of 84.

Vivian Bullwinkel Statham death quick facts:
  • When did Vivian Bullwinkel Statham die?

    July 3, 2000
  • How old was Vivian Bullwinkel Statham when died?


Vivian Bullwinkel Statham Birthday and Date of Death

Vivian Bullwinkel Statham was born on December 18, 1915 and died on July 3, 2000. Vivian was 84 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 18, 1915
Date of Death: July 3, 2000
Age at Death: 84

Vivian Bullwinkel Statham - Biography

Lieutenant-Colonel Vivian Bullwinkel, Mrs. Statham, AO, MBE, ARRC, ED, FNM (18 December 1915 – 3 July 2000) was an Australian Army nurse during the Second World War. She was the sole survivor of the Bangka Island Massacre, when the Japanese killed 21 of her fellow nurses on Radji Beach, Bangka Island (Indonesia) on 16 February 1942.