Waheed Murad


Is Waheed Murad Dead or Still Alive? Waheed Murad Birthday and Date of Death

Waheed Murad

Waheed Murad Death

Waheed passed away on November 23, 1983 at the age of 45.

Waheed Murad death quick facts:
  • When did Waheed Murad die?

    November 23, 1983
  • How old was Waheed Murad when died?


Waheed Murad Birthday and Date of Death

Waheed Murad was born on October 2, 1938 and died on November 23, 1983. Waheed was 45 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 2, 1938
Date of Death: November 23, 1983
Age at Death: 45

Waheed Murad - Biography

Waheed Murad (Urdu: وحید مراد‎; 2 October 1938 – 23 November 1983) was a Pakistani film actor, producer and script writer, famous for his charming expressions, attractive personality, tender voice and unusual talent for acting. Waheed is considered as one of the most famous and influential actors of South Asia. He is often referred to as "Chocolaty Hero" or "Chocolate Hero". Born in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan, did graduation from S.M. Arts College Karachi, and then masters in English literature from University of Karachi. He started his film career as cameo in 1959 in the film Saathi when he was 21 years old. His naughty facial gestures, bold romanticism and alluring performance style during picturisation of songs made him immensely popular.