Walter Kerr


Is Walter Kerr Dead or Still Alive? Walter Kerr Birthday and Date of Death

Walter Kerr

Walter Kerr Death

Walter passed away on October 9, 1996 at the age of 83.

Walter Kerr death quick facts:
  • When did Walter Kerr die?

    October 9, 1996
  • How old was Walter Kerr when died?


Walter Kerr Birthday and Date of Death

Walter Kerr was born on July 8, 1913 and died on October 9, 1996. Walter was 83 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 8, 1913
Date of Death: October 9, 1996
Age at Death: 83

Walter Kerr - Biography

Walter Francis Kerr (July 8, 1913 – October 9, 1996) was an American writer and Broadway theater critic. He also was the writer, lyricist, and/or director of several Broadway plays and musicals as well as the author of several books, generally on the subject of theater and cinema.