Warren G. Harding


Is Warren G. Harding Dead or Still Alive? Warren G. Harding Birthday and Date of Death

Warren G. Harding

Warren G. Harding Death

Warren passed away on August 2, 1923 at the age of 57 in San Francisco, California,USA.

Warren G. Harding death quick facts:
  • When did Warren G. Harding die?

    August 2, 1923
  • How old was Warren G. Harding when died?

  • Where did Warren G. Harding die? What was the location of death?

    San Francisco, California,USA

Warren G. Harding Birthday and Date of Death

Warren G. Harding was born on November 2, 1865 and died on August 2, 1923. Warren was 57 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 2, 1865
Date of Death: August 2, 1923
Age at Death: 57

Is Warren G. Harding's father, Dr. George Tryon Harding Sr, dead or alive?

Dr. George Tryon Harding Sr's information is not available now.

Is Warren G. Harding's mother, Phoebe Elizabeth Harding, dead or alive?

Phoebe Elizabeth Harding's information is not available now.

Warren G. Harding - Biography

Warren Gamaliel Harding was the 29th President of the United States, serving from March 4, 1921 until his death. Although Harding died one of the most popular presidents in history, the subsequent exposure of scandals that took place under him, such as Teapot Dome, eroded his popular regard, as did revelations of an affair by Nan Britton, one of his mistresses. In historical rankings of the U.S. presidents, Harding is often rated among the worst.