Warren Miller Death
Warren passed away in 1999 at the age of 74.
When did Warren Miller die?
1999How old was Warren Miller when died?
Warren Miller Birthday and Date of Death
Warren Miller was born on October 15, 1924 and died in 1999. Warren was 74 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: October 15, 1924
Date of Death: 1999
Age at Death: 74
Warren Miller - Biography
Warren Miller (born October 15, 1924) is an American ski and snowboarding filmmaker. He is the founder of Warren Miller Entertainment and produced, directed and narrated his films until 1988. His credits include over 750 sports films, several books and hundreds of published non-fiction stories. His annual films on skiing and other outdoor sports are known for their photography, narrative humor, and broad appeal. He is noted for the promotion of skiing through his films spanning over 60 years and is an iconic figure in ski movie filmmaking.