Willie Mosconi


Is Willie Mosconi Dead or Still Alive? Willie Mosconi Birthday and Date of Death

Willie Mosconi

Willie Mosconi Death

Willie passed away on September 12, 1993 at the age of 80.

Willie Mosconi death quick facts:
  • When did Willie Mosconi die?

    September 12, 1993
  • How old was Willie Mosconi when died?


Willie Mosconi Birthday and Date of Death

Willie Mosconi was born on June 27, 1913 and died on September 12, 1993. Willie was 80 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 27, 1913
Date of Death: September 12, 1993
Age at Death: 80

Willie Mosconi - Biography

William Joseph Mosconi (/mɒsˈkoʊni/; June 27, 1913 – September 17, 1993), generally known as Willie Mosconi, was an American professional pool (pocket billiards) player from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Between the years of 1941 and 1957, he won the World Straight Pool Championship an unmatched fifteen times. For most of the 20th century, his name was essentially synonymous with pool in North America – he was nicknamed "Mr. Pocket Billiards" – and he was among the first Billiard Congress of America Hall of Fame inductees. Mosconi pioneered and regularly employed numerous trick shots, set many records, and helped to popularize pool as a national recreation activity.