Yoshiro Mori


Is Yoshiro Mori Dead or Still Alive? Yoshiro Mori Birthday and Age

Yoshiro Mori

How Old Is Yoshiro Mori? Yoshiro Mori Birthday

Yoshiro Mori was born on July 14, 1937 and is 87 years old now.

Birthday: July 14, 1937
How Old - Age: 87

Yoshiro Mori Death Fact Check

Yoshiro is alive and kicking and is currently 87 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Yoshiro Mori - Biography

Yoshirō Mori (森 喜朗 Mori Yoshirō, born 14 July 1937) is a Japanese politician who served as the 85th and 86th Prime Minister of Japan between 5 April 2000 and 26 April 2001. Described as having "the heart of a flea and the brain of a shark," he was an unpopular prime minister mainly remembered today for his many gaffes and situationally inappropriate actions. He is currently President of the Japan Rugby Football Union as well as the Japan-Korea Parliamentarians' Union. In 2014, he was appointed to head the organizing committee for the 2020 Summer Olympics.