How Old Is Yousra Saouf? Yousra Saouf Birthday
Yousra Saouf was born on April 29, 1992 and is 32 years old now.
Birthday: April 29, 1992
How Old - Age: 32
Yousra Saouf Death Fact Check
Yousra is alive and kicking and is currently 32 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Yousra Saouf - Biography
Yousra Saouf (Arabic: يسرا سعوف) (born on 29 April 1992) is a Moroccan singer who rose to fame in the Arab world at the age of 20 following her participation in the second season of Arab Idol, broadcast on MBC. She was acclaimed by the jury and the public, her voice being linked to Egyptian diva Najat Essaghira. She was ranked 9th in the competition.