Yvonne Buckingham


Is Yvonne Buckingham Dead or Still Alive? Yvonne Buckingham Birthday and Age

Yvonne Buckingham

How Old Is Yvonne Buckingham? Yvonne Buckingham Birthday

Yvonne Buckingham was born in 1937 and is 87 years old now.

Birthday: 1937
How Old - Age: 87

Yvonne Buckingham Death Fact Check

Yvonne is alive and kicking and is currently 87 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Yvonne Buckingham - Biography

Yvonne Buckingham is an English actress who appeared in the films which include, Next to No Time in 1958, Sapphire in 1959, Urge to Kill in 1960, Murder in Eden in 1961, The Sinister Man in 1961, Solo for Sparrow in 1962. She also appeared in the Sir Francis Drake TV series in April 1962.