Zdenek Liska


Is Zdenek Liska Dead or Still Alive? Zdenek Liska Birthday and Date of Death

Zdenek Liska

Zdenek Liska Death

Zdenek passed away on August 13, 1983 at the age of 61 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Zdenek Liska death quick facts:
  • When did Zdenek Liska die?

    August 13, 1983
  • How old was Zdenek Liska when died?

  • Where did Zdenek Liska die? What was the location of death?

    Prague, Czech Republic

Zdenek Liska Birthday and Date of Death

Zdenek Liska was born on March 16, 1922 and died on August 13, 1983. Zdenek was 61 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 16, 1922
Date of Death: August 13, 1983
Age at Death: 61

Zdenek Liska - Biography

Zdeněk Liška (16 March 1922 – 13 August 1983) was a Czech composer who produced a large number of film scores across a prolific career that started in the 1950s. He was revelatory in his contribution to the development of electronic music. His music in this field is noticeable and dramatic, based on a unique musical feeling achieved using quite unusual instrumental combinations and various electronic and electroacoustic techniques.