Zenzo Matsuyama


Is Zenzo Matsuyama Dead or Still Alive? Zenzo Matsuyama Birthday and Date of Death

Zenzo Matsuyama

Zenzo Matsuyama Death

Zenzo passed away on August 27, 2016 at the age of 91 in Tokyo, Japan.

Zenzo Matsuyama death quick facts:
  • When did Zenzo Matsuyama die?

    August 27, 2016
  • How old was Zenzo Matsuyama when died?

  • Where did Zenzo Matsuyama die? What was the location of death?

    Tokyo, Japan

Zenzo Matsuyama Birthday and Date of Death

Zenzo Matsuyama was born on April 3, 1925 and died on August 27, 2016. Zenzo was 91 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 3, 1925
Date of Death: August 27, 2016
Age at Death: 91

Zenzo Matsuyama - Biography

Zenzō Matsuyama (松山 善三, Matsuyama Zenzō, born 3 April 1925) is a Japanese script writer and film director. He was born in Kobe and grew up in Yokohama. After leaving school, he began training to become a doctor but dropped out of medical school to take up a career in films. In 1948 he became an assistant director at Shochiku studios. With the support of Keisuke Kinoshita, he also began writing film scripts. His first filmed script was Kojo no tsuki, based on the song Kōjō no Tsuki, filmed in 1954. In 1955 he married actress Hideko Takamine. He made his debut as a director with a film called Na mo naku mazushiku utsukushiku in 1961. He continued to work as a scriptwriter for films like Proof of the Man as well as a director. He also wrote the lyrics for a song Ippon no enpitsu for Hibari Misora.