A. Edward Sutherland


Is A. Edward Sutherland Dead or Still Alive? A. Edward Sutherland Birthday and Date of Death

A. Edward Sutherland

A. Edward Sutherland Death

Eddie passed away on December 31, 1973 at the age of 78 in Palm Springs Ca.

A. Edward Sutherland death quick facts:
  • When did A. Edward Sutherland die?

    December 31, 1973
  • How old was A. Edward Sutherland when died?

  • Where did A. Edward Sutherland die? What was the location of death?

    Palm Springs Ca

A. Edward Sutherland Birthday and Date of Death

A. Edward Sutherland was born on January 5, 1895 and died on December 31, 1973. Eddie was 78 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 5, 1895
Date of Death: December 31, 1973
Age at Death: 78

Is A. Edward Sutherland's father, Al Sutherland, dead or alive?

Al Sutherland's information is not available now.

Is A. Edward Sutherland's mother, Julie Ring, dead or alive?

Julie Ring's information is not available now.

A. Edward Sutherland - Biography

A. Edward Sutherland aka Eddie Sutherland was a film director and actor. Born Albert Edward Sutherland in London, he was from a theatrical family. His father, Al Sutherland, was a theatre manager and producer and his mother, Julie Ring, was a vaudeville performer. He was a nephew of both Blanche Ring and Thomas Meighan, who was married to Frances Ring, another of his mother's sisters.