Adèle of Champagne Death
Adèle passed away on June 4, 1206 at the age of 66.
Adèle of Champagne death quick facts:
When did Adèle of Champagne die?
June 4, 1206How old was Adèle of Champagne when died?
Adèle of Champagne Birthday and Date of Death
Adèle of Champagne was born in 1140 and died on June 4, 1206. Adèle was 66 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: 1140
Date of Death: June 4, 1206
Age at Death: 66
Is Adèle of Champagne's father, Theobald II, dead or alive?
Theobald II's information is not available now.
Is Adèle of Champagne's mother, Matilda of Carinthia, dead or alive?
Matilda of Carinthia's information is not available now.
Adèle of Champagne - Biography
Adèle of Champagne, also known as Adelaide and Alix, was the third wife of Louis VII of France and the mother of his only male heir, the future Philip II. She was also the daughter of Theobald II of Champagne and Matilda of Carinthia.