Adolfo Celi


Is Adolfo Celi Dead or Still Alive? Adolfo Celi Birthday and Date of Death

Adolfo Celi

Adolfo Celi Death

Adolfo passed away on February 19, 1986 at the age of 63 in Siena, Italy. Adolfo's cause of death was heart attack.

Adolfo Celi death quick facts:
  • When did Adolfo Celi die?

    February 19, 1986
  • How did Adolfo Celi die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Adolfo Celi when died?

  • Where did Adolfo Celi die? What was the location of death?

    Siena, Italy

Adolfo Celi Birthday and Date of Death

Adolfo Celi was born on July 27, 1922 and died on February 19, 1986. Adolfo was 63 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 27, 1922
Date of Death: February 19, 1986
Age at Death: 63

Adolfo Celi - Biography

Adolfo Celi (27 July 1922 –19 February 1986) was an Italian film actor and director. Born in Curcuraci, Messina, Sicily, Celi appeared in nearly 100 films, specialising in international villains. Although a prominent actor in Italian cinema and famed for many roles, he is best remembered internationally for his portrayal of Emilio Largo in the 1965 James Bond film Thunderball. Celi later spoofed his Thunderball role in the film OK Connery (aka Operation Double 007) opposite Sean Connery's brother, Neil Connery.